Why Picking Up Dog Waste Is Necessary

Dog owners must be responsible for picking up after their pets. There are many occasions where dog owners fail to pick up after their pets because they are in a hurry, have no poop bags, or are not aware of the importance. As a result, you've undoubtedly stepped on more than your fair share of dog poop. You've probably trodden in dog feces without even realizing it…until the smell hits. Cleaning up after your dog is essential, and here are several reasons why.

An Act of Common Courtesy

Not only is picking up after your dog common courtesy, but it is also your duty and responsibility as a pet owner, especially on public property. When pet waste is left in parks, yards, grassy areas, and even on the sidewalk, the odor can become unbearably stinky and affect the overall environment. Cleaning up after your pet is even required by law in certain urban and suburban areas. It’s also just good etiquette. Although plastic bags are most pet owners’ go-to, biodegradable waste bags, like PawPail’s Paw Bag pet waste bags, make for a better, environmentally-friendly option.

It Does Not Break Down

If you think dog waste will just wash away or naturally break down, you're mistaken. It can take up to a year for feces to completely decompose. Furthermore, when rainwater washes over dog feces, it enters drainage systems. Polluted water is then discharged into streams, lakes, and rivers. No one wants to swim in water containing tons of fecal matter. 

It Transmits Diseases

Dog waste contains harmful bacteria and parasites that can transmit diseases to other dogs and humans if not properly disposed of. Bacteria like salmonella and E. coli, as well as parasites like giardia, cryptosporidium, campylobacter, ringworm, and roundworm can remain in the soil for years. If you’re not picking up after your dog, you are potentially exposing other people’s dogs to harmful germs. Gardeners and children who play outside are particularly vulnerable and face greater contamination risks, which lead to diseases. Bacteria and parasites also have an impact on water quality. Some nutrients and pathogens can pollute the water if the poop is not disposed of correctly. The decomposition of pet waste in water releases harmful nutrients that result in excessive algae and weeds growth, making the water unpleasant smelling and unfit for swimming, boating, or fishing in. This kind of waste pollution also promotes the spread of diseases in humans. Never let your dog poop within 200 feet of any body of water, and never dispose of waste in a storm drain.

It is Not Fertilizer

Dog waste contains high concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorus, which can actually cause acidic burns on your lawn. Unlike cow manure produced by cows that consume plant matter, dog waste cannot be used as compost, and can instead contaminate produce and surrounding areas with bacteria. 

Cultivate Mindful Waste Disposal Habits with PawPail 

PawPail’s pet waste management solution is ideal for all dog owners out there. Our PawPail pet waste system is convenient, environmentally friendly, and odor-controlling, encouraging pet waste cleanup and minimizing exposure for you and your family. Feel free to look through our product range or contact us to find out more.